Montiget Tablet Uses, Side Effects, Warnings & Precautions - Medicines Care

Montiget Tablet Uses, Side Effects, Warnings & Precautions

Montiget Tablet Uses, Side Effects, Warnings & Precautions

Montiget Tablet Uses:

Montiget tablet is a medication primarily used to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It contains Montelukast as its active ingredient, which belongs to a class of drugs known as leukotriene receptor antagonists. Montiget helps to alleviate symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing associated with these respiratory conditions.

Montiget Tablet Side Effects:

While Montiget is generally well-tolerated, like any medication, it can cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects may include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleep disturbances or insomnia
  • Increased risk of infections

If you experience any severe or persistent side effects, it's essential to consult your doctor immediately.

Montiget Tablet

Montiget Tablet Precautions and Warnings:

Allergies: Inform your doctor if you are allergic to Montelukast or any other ingredients in Montiget tablets.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Consult your doctor before taking Montiget if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding.

Liver or Kidney Problems: If you have a history of liver or kidney issues, inform your healthcare provider as the dosage may need adjustment.

Drug Interactions: Montiget may interact with certain medications like phenobarbital, rifampicin, and certain anticonvulsants. Inform your doctor about all the medications you are taking to avoid potential interactions.

Children: Montiget may be prescribed to children but always under the supervision of a pediatrician.


1. Can I stop taking Montiget once my symptoms improve?

It is essential to follow your doctor's instructions regarding the duration of treatment. Suddenly stopping Montiget may lead to a worsening of symptoms. Consult your doctor before discontinuing the medication.

2. Can Montiget be used for an acute asthma attack?

No, Montiget is not intended for the relief of acute asthma attacks. For immediate relief during an asthma attack, you should use a rescue inhaler, as prescribed by your doctor.

3. How should I take Montiget tablets?

Typically, Montiget is taken orally, once daily, in the evening. It can be taken with or without food. Follow your doctor's instructions regarding the dosage and timing.

4. Can Montiget cause weight gain?

Weight gain is not a commonly reported side effect of Montiget. If you notice any unusual weight changes, discuss it with your doctor.

5. Can I consume alcohol while taking Montiget?

It is advisable to limit or avoid alcohol consumption while on Montiget, as alcohol may increase the risk of certain side effects.

Note: This information is for general understanding, and it is crucial to consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice regarding the use of Montiget tablets based on your medical history and condition.

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